How To Protect Leather Sole Toe

Which place is easiest to wear on a pair of dress shoes? If the answer is heel, it suggests that your shoes are probably with rubber soles. Real gentlemen still don dress shoes with leather sole. If you wear several pairs of leather shoes with leather soles, you know that the toe is easiest to wear.

What are the common ways to prevent the toe from abrasive wearing? I’ll use my own shoes today to demonstrate it.

Toe Nails


This is very common on Italian shoes, but British shoes hardly adopt it. I think this method is very practical and much easier than installing toe plate. Of course, the effect is definitely not as good as the latter.

Toe Plate

Installing toe plate is not a very sophisticated skill, but it requires carefulness and patience when skiving the leather. If too deep, the stitches underneath will be broken.

Rubber Toe

Rubber sole is universal while toe rubber is not. Too attach a small piece of rubber here, the toe is perfectly protected with the less cost and effort.

6 Replies to “How To Protect Leather Sole Toe”

  1. 鞋头铁片的价格的确是有点高了,国内300上下。不过价格高主要还是穿正装鞋的还是太少,只有大城市个别“高端”点的店有得做。我自己有两双便宜点的皮底靴子是自己在鞋头贴的胶片,没问题,就是没打铁片那么好看。

    1. 果然是同好啊,我的Saint Crepin 2010和Saint Crispin’s都是鞋头贴一点胶片,哈哈。英雄所见略同。

      1. 哈哈,如果是JL或者SC这个档次的鞋,要常穿的话,我还是会交300去打铁片的。毕竟鞋头贴个胶片,还是有点丑。等大家都穿皮底鞋了,估计小城市也能做鞋头铁片了,只要有竞争,100元做这个绰绰有余了。

        1. 不瞒您说,我的SC和JL的SC,都是前面加了一点点的掌,哈哈。我觉得即使竞争很激烈,100元也不可能,那个铁片最起码成本40。一个赚60,他一天得做起码20个才能谈房租之类的,这个需求是不存在的。这个群体怎么都到不了那么大。

          1. 还真不是 lulu成本大概到手4RMB1对 T牌大概25。有个英国的配件店可以海淘,还卖JR皮底啥的

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