Model Archive – Vahtia

A shoemaker from Indonesia, rather than a factory, it is a workshop.

Very good at marketing and the lines seem very attractive, especially to Americans.

The price is 350 USD, and models are very few which is a good thing in my eyes as the most refined can be presented.

Let us have a review of the lineup.

El Cid
St. George


Although “handwelt” is used in their promotion, I highly suspect it is Goodyear welted, but maybe the outsole is hand stitched.

The models are very conservative and well proportioned, I like them.

2 Replies to “Model Archive – Vahtia”

    1. 的确不如厂长。东南亚的鞋子,目前绝大多数都是这个味道。这家的审美,我还是可以。

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