Collections of Antonio Meccariello

Antonio Meccariello is the newly established Italian shoe brand which has great reputation in Asia, especially in Hong Kong and China Mainland. It is not so common that Italian brands have biggest customer base in Asia rather than US.

My two friends, both well seasoned shoe experts claim without endeavoring into bespoke, Antonio Meccariello gives you the best you can have.

I became very interested in Antonio Meccariello so to find out what it offers. Then I realize Antonio Meccariello has several collections so to summarize.

Rank from entry to premium.


The entry level of Antonio Meccariello is now abolished due to the Goodyear machine was broken.

Speaking about specification, Aeris collection of Antonio Meccariello is quite the same as Gaziano & Girling, absorbing more bespoke shoemaker elements into Ready To Wear shoes at an amazing price.

Everyone tells this collection is a gem!


Mainline of Antonio Meccariello, and the staple. Specification is handwelted comparing to Aeris. The midsole of Antonio Meccariello is thicker than most brands with 4 to 5 mm, just like the outsole.

Argentum Handwelted

The name is quite confusing as Argentum collection is handwelted already. This collection actually is Made to Measure.


The highest level before entering Bespoke. One piece of hide only makes one pair of shoes, and the welt is super narrow that top view cannot even see it.. The last is also closer to bespoke streamlined ones. The waist is narrower.


MTM service is not widely offered, maybe Top Drawer service from Edward Green is one of this kind. Antonio Meccariello price does worth the wait.