My Shoe Collection, Brent from Bally

Bally certainly does not count as one of classic dress shoe brand which focuses on welted shoes, however, as a second tier luxury fashion house, Bally shoes may be the best value and they really care about the product. I have written about my another pair of Bally shoes with model name Dion, let us have a look at this model, Brent.

Pattern and Last

Penny loafer with a small and flattened triangle on the strap. As the apron is made by the most seen method, the only design element is the triangle and the same is quite similiar to Berluti Andy.

The last tells by the first sight Italian.


When the last is Italian, it is no surprise that they are made in Italy. With saying made in Italy, Blake construction is by default. The waist is somehow extruded out. Below the logo, we can see a word STYLEFLEX, I believe it wants to tell the shoes, more specifically, the sole are soft which is the advantage of Blake construction.

Bally’s size is very clear with both UK and US, even width.


Rubber is inserted in forefoot. We see some bespoke shoemakers will do the same as well. Forefoot is the first place to wear out the sole for sure even though toe will look more miserable.


The leather is extremely soft which reminds me kangaroo leather used by Andy Lorenzo. However the pores are so prominent.


It is very rare to see on fashion house shoes that each model has a name. As fashion brands do not care about classic or anything lasting long, they ask for quick turnover, the quicker the better. The philosophy is just opposite to classic menswear. Sadly, even Bally has name, I don’t feel it has any iconic models remembered by its customers.


Shoes are not bad at all, but when we know all the classic dress shoe brand, Bally does not have a chance to win, product wise.

2 Replies to “My Shoe Collection, Brent from Bally”

  1. 走路多必然是磨鞋头。然而鞋底脚掌部分磨出洞一般是频繁上下车造成的,而且往往只有一只脚会磨出洞,因为那只脚是下车时的支撑脚。这只是一个理论,不一定对。

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