My Shoe Collection, M104 from James Taylor & Son

James Taylor & Son is the bespoke shoemaker in England, however this pair is not bespoke but Goodyear welted in China. The history I have written about the founder ZHANG Dong and the interview with current owner of James Taylor & Son. In this article, we only focus on the shoes. The shoes are actually

My Shoe Collection, James from Yearn Shoemaker/SLIMSHOES

I have unboxed this pair here, and this post mainly focuses on experience. Yearn Shoemaker is known by SLIMSHOES domestically in China. The concept is better reflected by the latter one as it wants to accommodate Asian wider feet without sacrificing slim and elegant feeling of dress shoes. Later on, I found they are also


在我接触到国产缝制鞋业后,一直在做一件事,让更多人知道它们,也让世界知道它们。在一段时间内,我也有个顺着产业链溯流而上的想法。很多鞋匠和品牌都告诉我,皮革是制约中国品牌竞争力的重要因素。相信很多皮鞋爱好者也都知道这一点。我当时就想,就像国内的皮鞋厂一样,它们并不是不存在,只是我们不知道,是否也有暗投的明珠呢?后来虽有少许努力,接触过两家皮革厂的负责人,但交流不多,更加不够深入。归结起来,无非市场太小,不愿。 Post Views: 583


在英国制鞋业躺平很多年,西班牙还有点奋进,意大利重心不放在工艺上时,中国的缝制鞋制鞋业却在不遗余力的军备竞赛。我无法评判这样的行为是否正确,但想来各个品牌如此选择,应该还是消费者有此需求吧。 特吕弗这个品牌我是看着它从无到有的,但我谈论的并不多,主要因为它更多走得是Thom Wills的路线,具体点,天猫流量运营,而不是面对比较懂行的皮鞋爱好者。如果你去看它的商品页面,真的很漂亮,信息很完善,我认为没有一个品牌做得比它好。 Post Views: 856

Unboxing Thomas from SLIMSHOES/Yearn Shoemaker

SLIMSHOES is the domestic brand of Yearn Shoemaker which is more well known globally. Unlike most shoemakers in this niche market, SLIMSHOES opened mono-brand boutique since the beginning. Two shops locate in premium department stores. This is my first pair of SLIMSHOES/Yearn Shoemaker, let us have a look. Post Views: 2,970