How do you define Grant Stone? Are they more casual or dressy? I don’t feel this question easy to answer, and if I have to introduce Grant Stone to someone who has no idea, I still use the description Grant Stone does not like, It is a brand very close to Alden, Aesthetically. Because of
Tag: Kudu
当今的皮鞋市场,面对爱好者的品牌着力点上,我觉得有三个方向。 第一个是设计,花哨新颖但又不逾矩的设计。 J.FitzPatrick Genesee 第二个是擦色,这是个参与人数众多的方式,上到Berluti,Corthay,下到200-300块钱的,都干这个。 可以说是近年来皮鞋的主力拉新点。但在我眼里,大多数都干得一坨。 第三个是皮革,大量有噱头,或者曾经只是极小众能够玩到的皮革,进入到了大家都可以买到的品牌上面。 Post Views: 2,550