
在英国制鞋业躺平很多年,西班牙还有点奋进,意大利重心不放在工艺上时,中国的缝制鞋制鞋业却在不遗余力的军备竞赛。我无法评判这样的行为是否正确,但想来各个品牌如此选择,应该还是消费者有此需求吧。 特吕弗这个品牌我是看着它从无到有的,但我谈论的并不多,主要因为它更多走得是Thom Wills的路线,具体点,天猫流量运营,而不是面对比较懂行的皮鞋爱好者。如果你去看它的商品页面,真的很漂亮,信息很完善,我认为没有一个品牌做得比它好。 Post Views: 856

My Shoe Collection, StefanoBi

I have introduced this brand, which was founded by Stefano Branchini then sold to LVMH group to make Louis Vuitton and Berluti shoes. For some period, StefanoBi brand existed while the factory made shoes for the other two. Style wise StefanoBi is very close to Berluti, great patina with daring design. Post Views: 2,959

An Interview with Alexander Nurulaeff

I don’t remember whether it was Berluti that brought me into the world of patina, or Carlos Santos pushes this art to more novice shoe lovers, or “Hancore” offers the very impressive Star Sky patina, there is one patina artist active on many platforms inlcuding Instagram, Tumblr and Vimeo who is absolutely the highest level,