Unboxing Leopold from Maftei

An extremely artful pair of shoes, which can only be found in bespoke shoemaking. For this model, I think all the packaging is not important anymore, let us check the shoes directly. Leopold I, (born June 9, 1640, Vienna—died May 5, 1705, Vienna), Holy Roman emperor during whose lengthy reign (1658–1705) Austria emerged from a series of struggles with the Turks and the French to become a great European power, in which monarchical absolutism and administrative centralism gained ascendancy. I name this model with this great emperor due to its unmatchable originality which is absolutely unseen in the field.


The last number is 0075, and last name is Jesper, a very wide square toe.

What sets apart of Austrian and German shoemaking? It is the high-rise toe box.


Side laced Norwegese Seamless wholecut with marvelous medallion and patina.


Side laced is most famous by the legendary English shoemaker Foster & Son and it is truly outstanding. However that model has no medallion, especially so unique medallion. Sometimes, I feel the elements of dress shoes are quite limited, however the innovation is endless still.

For Ready To Wear brand, this quite eccentric models are avoided as the acceptant would be very few, but bespoke shoemaker can try it.



这个Darth Vader的擦色,有比较强烈的斑驳感。这个Maftei的标志颜色,第一眼我就觉得还行,现在看多了,觉得还是有味道的。是不是任何东西,只要坚持,就可以走出自己的路呢?


