I have been thinking of putting categories on the top of my blog for a while, it is pushed back for two reasons, one is technical that I need to hire someone to redesign the blog, the other is each series does not have enough entries. As a compromise, I put an Index here so
很多人调侃喜欢看皮鞋皮质的人,没人会跪在地上看你的鞋。但是作为自己最喜爱的物件,会把玩,应该是很正常的吧。我们把它当做一个有实用价值的工艺品,关注它的一切细节,然后精益求精,何罪之有啊! 什么是好皮?简单两句话,折痕细腻,镀层薄(最好没有)。 因为有这个结论呢?这个结论的依据是什么呢? 答案是,物质上,好的东西,真的不需要教化。 我总是举这个例子,你看到布加迪和比亚迪,就算是对车一点也不懂,也不用谁告诉你,哪个是更好的。 Post Views: 28
London Lounge这个专有名词,在定制西服里,也有一席之地,但是知道的人有多少,就不清楚了。 简单来说,他是高端西服爱好者自己定织的面料。 Post Views: 28
Stiffener is used to keep the shape of toe and heel of dress shoes. This thing can be divided into three grades. Post Views: 1,992
I have interviewed many Japanese bespoke shoemakers and they all mentioned one place in the early stage of their career, that is WFG, World Footwear Gallery. World Footwear Gallery is a Japanese shoe shop. Let’s talk about the history of this shoe shop today. Post Views: 2,177
这个系列真的好久好久没有过新文章了,主要是因为看得上的品牌,都介绍过了。随着缝制鞋热度的降低,不管是国内还是国外,新品牌的涌现都比较少见了。 不过这个品牌,还真不算新品牌,人家从1889年就开始做鞋子了。 虽然一开始做的是洞洞鞋那个款式,但是没有洞洞的拖鞋。 目前是第四代的家族生意。 最为强调的,就是法国制造。坦白来说,在服装行业,这确实是个很好的噱头。 鞋子的品牌特征并不明显,大部分鞋子的楦型和款式并不让人心动,但是有个别几双非常酷! Post Views: 41
Cowhide comes from everywhere in the world. Post Views: 1,476
不知道是因为武汉的经典男装爱好者太幸福了,还是因为我,让武汉的经典男装爱好者都幸福起来,在武汉消费经典男装,性价比顶爆全国。 历数一下,有审美和做工在国内稳居第一梯队的李渊,有Brunello Cucinelli,Tom Ford和Kiton便宜到可以随便开火的Gellaria Privata,有周老气强势代言的拾艺,有工装靴代表选手Greats,还有我尚未介绍到的夹克之王Chris Peng。 今天,还要给大家带来裤王。 Post Views: 68
It is so sarcastic that I determined to spend my hard earned money to buy a pair of most expensive and luxury Ready To Wear shoes, Silvano Lattanzi last week, and consulted a lot of people even the seller about the size, it is still too big for me. Without choice as I promised to
King shoe of the universe. If you have a little interest in dress shoes, even very little, you at least heard of this brand. The reason is so simple and to the ground, its retail price starts from 8000 USD! When we thought John Lobb, Edward Green and Gaziano & Girling are the most expensive
高领毛衣,现在被认为是相当时尚的单品,比如黑色搭配牛仔裤,就可以说是不败搭配。 高领毛衣的英文,叫做turtleneck,海龟脖子,形象倒是非常形象了,可在中国,这行不通,因为如果你脖子这里是海归脖子,那么你的头是什么头? Post Views: 60