I have been thinking of putting categories on the top of my blog for a while, it is pushed back for two reasons, one is technical that I need to hire someone to redesign the blog, the other is each series does not have enough entries. As a compromise, I put an Index here so
#一个故事换一双鞋,是由fp x Weritas赞助的长期活动,每个月会送出一双皮鞋,得票最多的故事,可以免费MTO一双已经发布的款式(楦型与款式一一对应)。 fp x Weritas有两大支柱理念,一,让历史上辉煌但现在已不存在的鞋匠和品牌可以再次被大家看到;二,可持续发展、环保、节约理念的践行和宣传。 今天先用我的故事做个样板,抛砖引玉。 Post Views: 1
答案确实是不能。 我以前对于这一点是不太在意的,因为皮革怕不怕水?答案是并不怕。 水打湿了皮革,在挥发的时候,会带走皮革中的油脂,使得皮革纤维变得更短,更脆,所以皮革容易开裂。 为了应对这个问题,只要等皮革阴干以后,涂上护理油,就好了。 但是当我最近在整理鞋子的时候,看到这一双鞋底的状态,让我突然警醒。 Post Views: 15
在经典正装男鞋领域,说到古巴跟,你会想到什么?更加精致优雅,对吧。 可是这个元素,其实并不是正装皮鞋独有的,甚至说,正装皮鞋所占的比例,反而是最低的。 Post Views: 29
Leather supplied by S.B. Foot Tanning Co is the choice of many classic styles of Red Wing. Post Views: 2,605
这是Sargent这个品牌的第三次甚至第四次倒闭了,所以,这次,应该真的完结了。 Alfred Sargent和他的两个儿子,Frank和Harry,于1899年在北安普顿创立了同名品牌。 Post Views: 34
If Spanish shoemaking capital is Almansa, then Italy calls Marche. Post Views: 2,141
TM Lewin is a British shirt shop established in 1898. Although it has a long history, it seems that there are no heavyweights to bless it. Now, there are a lot of Asian elements in its blood. Its two major shareholders are Itochu of Japan and Shandong Ruyi Group. Post Views: 2,409
在曾经顶级客户圈子中,皮鞋领域有三个鞋匠是最为认可的,对于他们来说,鞋匠的名气不重要,因为他们本人都是社会的顶部人士,但是鞋子是否做得舒适,优雅,他们太有发言权了,一辈子都在使用最顶级的东西。 这个神圣铁三角是John Lobb,Gatto和Nikolaus Tuczek。 Post Views: 47
When it comes to Meermin, what is your first impression? Price killer? Although there is nothing wrong, I think it is a bit underestimating the brand. Through paying attention to it year by year, I think its core competitiveness now lies in leather. Meermin is absolutely above average in leather optional richness, and at its