这是个上海的品牌,我对于完全的英文名,还真是思考过,我觉得这样不太好,因为会让人觉得你想当假洋牌子。也许你东西比真的洋牌子还要好,但是在品牌的初期,会给人这样一个坏的感觉。 这家自己说是直连沪上多家手工鞋厂,提供高性价比的缝制鞋。 Post Views: 6,185
Author: FU Pei
我觉得这个品牌名字我非常喜欢! 在首页上,还放了手缝大底的视频。除了东欧的Vass和Rozsnyai,手缝大底的可是很少见的,定制即使到Bespoke级别,也只有很少数会这么做。大多数欧洲新晋的高端品牌,强调的也只是到手缝沿条。 Post Views: 2,599
我感觉是个做了一些年头的品牌,但是好像认知度也不是很高。牛皮的价格在1200,还有一些特种皮的。浙江湖州的鞋厂,在当地还有实体店。 有点不太明白的是明明是吴荣昌,怎么真的牌子或者说商标成了荣盛。 Post Views: 3,209
来自温州的鞋厂,不太清楚有多长的历史,但是似乎在淘宝上也不太知名。感谢Eric告诉我这家,让我也可以看看。 名字比较看不懂,但是标志还是可以的。 Post Views: 3,023
淘宝上逛鞋子,是我已经有了好多鞋子之后的事情,目的不是买鞋子,而是看看有没有做的好的鞋子。赵若达的Mattina可能因为太新,从来没看到过,但是这家TGC的,是我看到了,明显觉得确实不错的一家。 Post Views: 7,688
淘宝上面的国产品牌。 本来呢,应该叫款式知多少的,可是一方面,款式太多太多,另一方面,鞋子实在太丑,我看不下去了。 Post Views: 2,174
India is not a major player in Goodyear welted shoes field, maybe because of the climate and limited demand there. Founded in 1986 by Mr. Hasan, the initial construction was cemented. Japanese chose this factory (country) for its cheaper labor cost and introduced Mackay construction (Blake), in recent years, Goodyear construction was absorbed. Post Views:
Gulun is the real killer in handwelted shoes territory, fully handmade including handstitched outsole only costs 210 USD, and lasts and pattern designs are both on line with mainstream. Post Views: 5,393
A somehow unconventional Spanish brand, it is not unconventional in fashion industry as it chooses the way most Italian brands do. The models are so unique and eye-catching which set Magnanni apart from most classic dress shoe brand. Post Views: 3,416
This series of articles is much alike the series about leather care brands, more and more unknown brands enter which opens my eyes. Every brand has its own DNA, some of them are very odd to me, some exciting. I may disapprove some of them, but they choose their own way and own target customers.