A fairly new Japanese brand estalished in 2013. Japanese bespoke shoes and shoemakers are highly regarded globally, however its Ready To Wear is largely unknown and not talked about outside of Japan. The founder, Teppei Yoshimi after study in London Cordwainers College, went back to Japan and opened a shoe repair shop. For the years
Author: FU Pei
这是一家来自新加坡的精品店,感觉规模不是很大,服装,配件全都有的。在皮鞋上,原本是Antonio Meccariello的代理商,但现在没有了。不知道是生意越来越不行还是怎么样,目前在卖的品牌越来越少,目前就剩下TLB Mallorca和自己的Y by Yeossal。 Post Views: 2,624
A country quite few discuss when come to dress shoes, Vietnam. CNES was founded in 1996, currently makes private label for 31 fashion houses, and the biggest customer of HCP (Hermes Leather Department) in Southeast Asia. Post Views: 4,119
Which country is the biggest dress shoe market? The answer is Japan. Because when dress code is loosen all around the world, Japanese love to wear dress shoes still. So if you ask many high end dress shoe brands which country is their focus beside its own country, the answer is Japan. Post Views: 1,902
这个牌子我很早就在淘宝上见到有人代购,看名字和样式,我一直以为是美国的款式。 Post Views: 2,980
Tom Brone就是Sons of Henrey这个比利时品牌的创始人,我和傻狍子联合将这个牌子带到国内来。 Post Views: 3,086
I came across Carli1937 from an online boutique. Post Views: 1,869
我们为什么喜欢经典男装,或者说当我们想说服别人我们喜欢经典男装是有道理的时候,喜欢抛出的一个论点是,经典男装质量更好,更耐久,所以实际上是花钱花得更值得。 Post Views: 1,827
好面料定制的衣服,可以穿很久,但是这仍然要求我们好好的护理。 衬衣是相对简单的,因为高品质的衬衣都是由高密度100%棉制成。所以完全可以机洗。而且新的衬衣,洗过几次以后会更合身。 Post Views: 1,808