I knew this brand some time ago but not very interested in this New York brand. In the interview with Justin FitzPatrick, he mentioned this is the one he will step on and beat down. My interest is piqued, so I had a deep dive to this brand. Post Views: 1,778
Author: FU Pei
A Spanish brand, although there is 1707 alongside the brand name, but the history is totally made up. Duke of Berwick was a Spanish general ruling Almansa, the capital of shoemaking in Spain. The brand claims it is based in Madrid, what is the point when only the headquarter is somewhere? Post Views: 4,633
这是一个来自美国犹他州的企业,但是主业不是皮具护理,而是非常专注的滑雪手套。也是创始人觉得市面上的都不够好,说实话啊,我不是非常认同这样的说法,起码我相信有非常高档的手套可以满足,不过也许他希望设计出性价比更高的吧。然后开发出自己的手套,滑雪爱好者都非常喜欢。 Post Views: 2,173
A dress shoe brand founded in 2012, New York. It is at the same price point with Beckett Simonon, but I feel Jack Erwin may have better value as it uses the leathers from D’Annonay and Ilcea, and made in Portugal. Post Views: 2,287
首先气质鲜明地表示,我对擦色兴趣一般。有擦色的祖宗Berluti的鞋子,有以为擦色就是一切的Altan Bottier的鞋子,有靠擦色上位的Carlos Santos的鞋子,我能欣赏擦色的美,但不是我个人的偏好。我觉得Museum Calf就很对我胃口了。 Post Views: 2,907
This is a MTM and MTO brand rather than Ready to Wear. Rozsnyai comes from Hungary just like its peer Vass. All shoes are 95% handmade except for upper stitching. And if you have the shoes on hand, you will know the craftsmanship is much better. Post Views: 2,049
Maybe the most hot Italian shoe brand in recently years due to the famous master shoemaker, Stefano Bemer. Sadly this brand now has very little relation with the deceased master. Brand position is lower than Silvano Lattazi and higher than Paolo Scafora, Santoni, a.testoni, Bontoni and Antonio Meccariello。 Post Views: 2,578
北安普顿1866年就成立的鞋厂,比Edward Green的1890年还要早很多。 1874年就引入了固特异缝制的机器。 Post Views: 2,937
前面已经讲过湿度对皮革的影响,这次再来看另外两个,分别是光和温度。虽然基本的指导方针大家都知道,避免阳光直射,温度不要太高。不过温度这个,是比较难控制的。 但是我会从理论上再更深入地讲一下。 Post Views: 2,313
很明显, 长款的大衣会让你整个人看起来离地面更近,一个几乎到脚踝长度的大衣,如果是在一个高个子的身上,则会显得更加修长。但是如果是在一个矮个子身上,看上去就像一个巫师了。 Post Views: 2,638