There are several world famous bespoke shoemakers in Austria, such as Scheer, Maftei and Materna, but speaking about Ready To Wear, eh……does anyone come into mind? Yes, Ludwig Reiter, anyone else? Sorry.
But there is one called Feinen Wiener Schuhmanufaktur, in English, Fine Viennese Shoemaker, A too general name never gives great products.
No history introduction on the website, RTW and bespoke are both offered.

Goodyear construction charges 299 euro, it seems made in Spain.
The best part is there are only three lasts, and all very on the spot, Vienna, Budapest and English.
Let us review the lineup.

Viennese last is unexpectedly good looking, and the some designs are also good. Budapest last does not suit most models.
I fully appreciate the brand sticking to its root and present the whole the regional flavor!
Feine Wiener Schuhmanufaktur的意思就是很好的(feine)维也纳(Wiener)制鞋坊(Schuhmanufaktur),feine后面不用加n