Model Archive – Marc Guyot

A brand from Paris, France, its business mode is quite strange, founded as a shoeshop, but other offerings are not bag, nor belt, but bespoke tailorings!

What is the style of this brand? Dandyism.

This is a very satisfied customer dressed by Marc Guyot, the founder of the brand, I think you have a very clear understanding about its style from all aspects.

I did have a check of other bespoke garments, they are not as exaggerated as the above one.

Marc Guyot Bespoke, Mc Farlane Coat

There are three collections in shoes, the top is Tradition collection, close channel Goodyear welted for 550-600 Euro, the middle is Esthete collection, close channel Blake stitched for 420-450 Euro, the last is the entry level, Delmont collection, sometimes promoted as an independant brand, open channel Blake for 300 Euro.

Let us have a check of the astonshining shoes.

30s Plastron
30s Perforated Wing Tip Oxford
Apron Butterfly Strap Loafer
Apron Hunting Blucher
Austerity Brogue Oxford
Balmoral 6 eyelets boot
Balmoral Ankle Boot
Balmoral Oxford with Straight Cap Toe
Balmoral Snap Buttons Boot
Brogue Oxford
Blind Strap Loafer
Butterfly Loafer
Chelsea Boot
Chukka Boot
Double Monk Derby
Full Brogue Ankle Boot
Jodpur Ankle Boot
Oxford with Plastron
Perforated Saddle Oxford
Plain 30s plastron
Plain Butterfly Strap Loafer
Plain Balmoral Oxford
Plain Derby
Plain Oxford
Plain Saddle Derby
Plain Strap Loafer
Plastron Oxford
Plastron Wing Tip Oxford
Snap Buttons Balmoral Boot
Straight Cap Toe Oxford
Swan Wing Derby
Tunnel Side
Two Tone 6 eyelets Balmoral Ankle Boot


If Justin FitzPatrick is the one I regard as the best designer in shoemaking, Marc Guyot may disagree and with a great reason. His design is so daring and so good! I love him too much!

4 Replies to “Model Archive – Marc Guyot”

  1. 搭色,或者颜色比较艳丽的,没有洗剪吹Tony那种忧郁的气质,不开演唱会,不是海贼王,穿出去就是自取其辱。——这话,话糙理不糙啊

    1. 还是看个人了,有人就喜欢丑人多作怪,但是如果他坚持,那大家也都接受了。你看Trump和小金的造型,是不是个人的风格呢。

      1. 风格这个东西,要么有颜值气质来顶起,要么有阅历地位来顶起。无论哪种,都是小众中的小众才能有风格一说,99.9%还是适合循规蹈矩。

        1. 适合,当然是适合,但人有不同的性格,我非常尊重个性化,我不喜欢我也尊重,甚至尊敬。不影响他人就行。

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