My Taste on Dress Shoes

This picture was sent to me by a lady and she asked me if this shoe (women’s shoe) looks good. It’s handmade in Italy.

I’m at a loss. Is it good? Is the world not even clear about beauty and ugliness?

Does this look good?

Does this look good?

Is this nice?

Too fancy? Ok, how about this one?

Some people may say that this big round toe and banana last, is not what you like? Why do you think it is ugly?

Ok, this will answer the question of the title. My aesthetic view is harmony.

For example, because of my age and personality, I like big round toe, but I don’t like slender shoes, not because I don’t approve of them aesthetically, but because I don’t approve of my feelings after I put my feet on.

Even Gaziano & Girling Deco last is extremely sharp and long, and objectively speaking, it is also beautifully finished. The feeling is sharp and the lines are harmonious.

Most girls’ dress shoes don’t pursue exquisiteness, because in that direction, there are high heels. When they come to this round toe shoe, they pursue cuteness.

The style of shoes is matched with clothes, cute short round shoes can pair with JK or Mori style, what does the one she asked match? Lumberjack installs, the somebody else thinks this shoe is not functional enough, not beautiful enough.

Look at this. Is it much better?

Engineer boots, super tough, may be hard for me to accept at first sight, but with rough and dirty suspenders jeans and gray T-shirts, it’s amazing.

So, my question is actually, what is the corresponding style for this kind of shoes which can accept its ugliness?

Finally, men’s feet are ugly, so shoes, whether they are sports shoes or leather shoes, whether they are made into round toe, pointed toe or square toe, are all designed to modify the foot shape.

This brings a more profound question, why there is ugliness appreciation, which essentially reflects people’s psychology?

2 Replies to “My Taste on Dress Shoes”

  1. 感觉不完全是这样。就像你说的,你注重整体的和谐、风格上的呼应以及实用性,但是相对地,就有人只看重一两个细节;实际上确实有不少女生会为了一件商品中一两个打动自己的地方而买单。在这双鞋子上,我认为粗笨的鞋带是个很特别,甚至有点可爱的地方;然后从这个细节发散到整体后就觉得巨胖的鞋头也不是那么难以接受,反而与鞋带相称,凸显一种憨憨的,甚至有些呆萌的感觉。

    1. 其实我说的审丑,是我看过的关于审丑的书,包括,比如说文中的异形。很多人觉得异形给人的也是一种“美”。或者日本一些“鬼”,他们也认为是“美”。

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