I used to think in Japan this over mature market, no space for new brand, but it is wrong, and Oriental is a good example.
Oriental is quite complex, on one hand, it owns a factory and makes private labels for other Japanese brands, on the other hand, it runs a select shoe shop, in which, most are cheap local shoes, but Enzo Bonafe is also presented.
Clearly, Oriental is the Japanese Enzo Bonafe, except, it is Goodyear welted.
There are four collections, from top to bottom, Top Grade, Bevelled Goodyear, Superior Goodyear and Regular Goodyear. Price is respectively 7000, 4000, 3200 and 2500 RMB. In which, only Top Grade is handwelted.
Hereby I summarize the models.
They are all well proportioned but still elongated, by all means, the shoes are in very great quality.