The business mode is so interesting! A shoe factory founded in 1915 in Northampton, but now it produces shoes in Almansa, Spain. So, a Spain made English shoe brand? Post Views: 1,625
Tag: Spain
A Spanish brand with history no less than Carmina. Main Collection, open channeled Goodyear construction at 250 euro, Premium Collection, close channeled Goodyear at 400 euro. Check its models. Post Views: 2,190
A less known Spanish brand with more than 50 years history. Its factory locates in Malaga, not the shoemaking center of Spain. Post Views: 1,498
Yanko had gone through bankruptcy and was owned by the most renowned Albaladejo Pujas family, it is rumored the owner of TLB Mallorca now controls the brand. Post Views: 2,038
A shop from Sweden, it started by selling shoe care products, then expanded to offering shoes, which is exactly like mine. Jesper Ingevaldsson, the blogger of ShoeGazing works for this shop. Post Views: 2,348
Although it is not in the mouth of shoe lovers, this Spanish brand does have the longest history in this country, when Pujas family dominates shoemaking in Spain, Lottusse takes another path to target broader customers by sellling in big department stores all over the world. Post Views: 2,688
Carlos Santos is a famous Portuguese shoe brand, and Carlos is a Spanish one, the full name is Carlos by Carlos Santana. Carlos Santana is an electric rock n roll musician, and he founded this brand to dress those who love music and enjoy wearing the style like himself. Post Views: 1,422
A somehow unconventional Spanish brand, it is not unconventional in fashion industry as it chooses the way most Italian brands do. The models are so unique and eye-catching which set Magnanni apart from most classic dress shoe brand. Post Views: 3,420
A Spanish brand, although there is 1707 alongside the brand name, but the history is totally made up. Duke of Berwick was a Spanish general ruling Almansa, the capital of shoemaking in Spain. The brand claims it is based in Madrid, what is the point when only the headquarter is somewhere? Post Views: 4,651
The shoe brand comes from Zaragoza, this is the first time I see a certain brand not from Alamansa or Mallorca, two shoemaking capitals in Spain. The factory was founded in 1960s, and remains there till today. Construction is Blake Rapid which is rare in Spain as most are Goodyear welted. Post Views: 1,968