Toni Llobera Barceló is the founder of the eponymous brand, putting his name inside means he is so devoted to. Selling point of TLB Mallorca is ratio of value and price. Post Views: 3,588
Tag: TLB Mallorca
Yanko had gone through bankruptcy and was owned by the most renowned Albaladejo Pujas family, it is rumored the owner of TLB Mallorca now controls the brand. Post Views: 2,018
TLB Mallorca is very strong, I mean its competitiveness is overwhelming that most brands see now chance when TLB is aside. TLB targets Carmina, its Spanish peer and fore-runner, was developped with the blogger of ShoeGazing, Jesper, and Jesper knows everything about the market and what shoe lovers care and are willing to pay. Post