The owner is very enthusiastic about making shoes, and he is very energetic in thinking about the last. There are neither names nor numbers, so I have to roughly classify them. Post Views: 4,005
Tag: 款式知多少
A brand from Tuscany, Italy, founded in 1946. Exotic leather and calf are from France, patina is applied to almost every pair. There are three collections, PLUS, CLASSIC and HOBBY. Constructions are all available. I read from StyleForum that their leather quality is quite good. Post Views: 1,868
A brand in T-Mall (Official boutique of Taobao). I made a statement long ago that any brand only sold in T-Mall, you’d better be cautious. Reason? All the cost lays on marketing and traffic. The shoes are very ugly and with the lowest construction you can ever think. We can check whether this one backs
There are several world famous bespoke shoemakers in Austria, such as Scheer, Maftei and Materna, but speaking about Ready To Wear, eh……does anyone come into mind? Yes, Ludwig Reiter, anyone else? Sorry. But there is one called Feinen Wiener Schuhmanufaktur, in English, Fine Viennese Shoemaker, A too general name never gives great products. No history
我觉得这在日本算是不多见的,因为日本要么就是新晋的bespoke鞋匠的工坊,要么就是大企业的鞋厂,当然最多的还是海外劳动力低廉的地方代工的鞋子。而这家,是从1955年就成立的作坊。作坊能够坚持这么多年,真的很不容易啊。 Post Views: 1,682
这是我在淘宝上(天猫)看到的一个鞋子,一上来价格4500,国产的,我觉得比中规中矩要差一点。 同时说是百年品牌,我想,中国做皮鞋应该不太可能有百年品牌,但这个百年品牌肯定是真的,那么是做什么的呢? 老千层底布鞋。 Post Views: 2,895
Because I occasionally obtained one pair of this brand, and the design is very good, I am interested so to summarize its models. Founded in 1946 in Vinci, a small town outside Florence of Toscana region by brother René and Valerio Borgioli. Post Views: 1,708
Rather than a brand, it is a shoeshop in London, although its own logo is stamped on the sole pad, shoes are made by some Northampton factories and some Italian. Post Views: 1,941
也是读者告诉我的相对便宜的固特异品牌。和我前面介绍过的卡乐福类似。非常感谢读者,没有你们,我的榜单一定很残缺。 Post Views: 2,457
公司的中文名叫做金华芮宸皮革制品。总体来说,是位于安徽的一个鞋厂,一直以来都是做外贸的,目前才想开拓国内市场。这是其中的高端品牌。 Post Views: 2,782