The Ready To Wear Brands with Their Own Factory

At present, there are many dress shoe brands on the market, but many of them are actually OEM. For example, George Cleverley’s ready to wear shoes are all made by others. Crockett & Jones was used before, but now it is getting more and more messy, such as Alfred Sargent, even Cheaney.

For example, Aubercy in France has its shoes made by Italian Enzo Bonafe.

OEM doesn’t mean that the quality is not high. I just summarize the brands with their own factory.


John Lobb Paris,Edward Green,Gaziano & Girling,Crockett & Jones,Alfred Sargent,Church’s,Joseph Cheaney,Barker,Loake,NPS。


Carmina, TLB, Yanko, Berwick.


Corthay, J.M.Weston and Heschung.


Alden and Allen Edmonds.


Almost every brands have their own factory or workshop.

Middle Europe

Vass, Rozsnyai, Saint Crispin’s, Ludwig Reiter and Heinrich Dinkelacker.


Scotch Grain, Oriental, Joe Works, Yohei Fukuda and Miyagi Kogyo.

Southeast Asia

Fugashin, CNES and Vahtia.




Mattina, Oct Tenth, Yearn Shoemaker, Gulun, CIE, TG, Johnny Works, Jins and Truffaut.

If you have any more information, please let me know.

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