What Kind of Brand Is Redlake?

I came cross a British dress shoe brand called Redlake. there are many shoe factories in Northampton, large and small, so it is not surprising that there is one that has never been heard of before, and it may still have a long history.

Then I was surprised that the shoes are made in Britain, Spain, Portugal and Italy.

Moreover, there is no actual content in brand introduction.

Check shoes made in England.

The sole is the standard Barker or maybe NPS or something. The price is 450 USD, more than 3000 RMB, which is really too inflated. Barker is the one I least appreciate among all brands in the UK. Loake has at least 1880 collection, a product of acceptable quality. What does Barker have? Maybe it’s fun.

It seems that the last is from Barker.

Shoes made in Spain are cheap, 300 dollars.

But I really have never seen such poor Goodyear shoes made in Spain. I’m not saying that Spanish products are all high-grade goods, but Berwick is much better than this one.

I leave shoes made in Portugal and Italy there.

This brand is actually a German one, suprise?

It is not surprising that a brand finds someone to make private label, such as Herring is a good example, but what is the value provided by this brand? What the hell is the quality and price of shoes?