An Interview with XIAO Sanke

If you like classic men’s clothing and crazy about the videos of this topic, I highly recommend XIAO Sanke. Of course, my recommendation may be invalid, because those who know him are hundreds of times more than those who know me.

I often watch his videos on Bilibili. The quality of his videos is very stable, and it makes people see to the end. In this era of lack of attention, it is not easy to achieve this.

Many people think that he is a celebrity with a large number of fans, so he may be dragging, but in fact, Sanke is even an introvert person. If you communicate with him, you will find that he has been saying what he doesn’t know, not what he knows.

We have had many private exchanges, and this is the first time I interviewe him. Let’s see what he is up to now.

You have many identities. How would you rank and introduce yourself?

Designer, business owner, blogger (video).

At the earliest, ENP should be a customized store, and then everyone knew you on Bilibili. Why did you have the idea of changing from a customized store owner to the media at that time??

Producing video was recommended by a friend, and I am persuaded to take on it.

At that time, my assistant happened to have experience in videos, so he tried it.

The business in the store used to be quite good, and more than ten or twenty people often came at the same time on weekends.

It’s just that because customization and video making are difficult to hand over to others, all the processes have to be done by yourself, so I was hospitalized for acute meningoencephalitis.

In the hospital, I found that it was really impossible to go on like this, so I chose one I love more.

As one of the leading bloggers of classic men’s clothing on Bilibili, what do you think this media has brought you and what have you brought to the audience?

I think the good thing about Bilibili is that it is relatively friendly to long videos and can speak more thoroughly.

The bad thing is that I find that the fun of some things is not to fully understand them. Most of the time, it is even the most interesting when I have just a little knowledge, not too much.

So I gradually lost interest in science popularization, decomposition and analysis videos.

I use my private goods as an example to explain the point of view: for example, the blogger “Dacong Watching Movies”, I had been looking forward to his update every day, and I liked it very much. Later, I found that his analysis video was even longer than the movie/drama itself. I lost interest rather quickly.

What I most hope to bring is the pleasure of “breaking the existing impression” and discovering new things. I don’t know if I have achieved this.

Please tell us what brings traffic!

Ivy style the one I understand and Chinese style, and as long as the videos are about these, the response is okay every time.

But I don’t like to do similar topics over and over again (for example, I’m very tired of doing popular science videos recently. I only made a science popularization video last year), and I don’t have a relatively fixed person setting, which limits my traffic to a certain extent.

The logic of this behavior is not very good on the Internet. If you want to be a blogger, don’t learn from me.

What kind of brand is ENP today?

At present, what I want to do is the modern version of 1980s and 1990s. They are casual, practical and easy-to-match.

For example, there are ties with patterns and unique textures, as well as printed shirts that look sultry from afar, but the pattern design is relatively high-end;

There will also be more solaro fabrics and polarized textures.

PS: I’ve always wanted to incorporate some rock and roll elements, but I haven’t achieved much for the time being.

Recommend a few items, I want to try it!

As of May 2024, I will say that my favorite items are our retro-style ivy ties, as well as OCBD and printed shirts.

But soon there will be a single product that I want to recommend to FU Pei more. I’ll talk about it then!

(I reveal the answer, it pays tribute to my alma mater, China College Style Series – Tongji Tie! I must highly recommend it to my alumni!)

How do you balance the media and clothing business?

Quite, quite difficult to balance.

Because at present, almost no single products are purchased directly. From the selection of raw materials (even the design of the fabric itself) to the production of the finished product, I need to be responsible for it.

In addition, some recent new products need to be often connected to the factory, so on this basis, it is really difficult to balance the media and brand.

The education and professional training I received before have made me more adaptable to the environment of fighting alone, but since I began to make clothes, I have found that the team is actually more important.

Although I don’t expect to become a strong manager overnight, the team is operating smoothly and is developing steadily.

Describe your personal clothing style.

Blindly wear (really).

The only rule I give myself is not to be the same as others.

Does the current style of the ENP brand imitate you personally, or does it have another independent brand language?


In order to know the shortcomings of my products, I wear what I make every day.

If it’s someone else’s style, I cannot wear it every day.