An Interview with JIANG Daoyuan, Founder of Badia

I’m afraid that many people are not familiar with this name, but his experience in shoemaking, among domestic shoemakers, is very orthodox and academic. As a Stefano Bemer studio trainee, after returning to China, JIANG Daoyuan became a bespoke shoemaker and later, created his own shoe brand Badia. As curious as everyone is about this

An Interview with FU Jie, Founder of Yearn Shoemaker/SLIMSHOES

FU Jie is the founder of the SLIMSHOES brand, which was established in 2018. SLIMSHOES/Yearn Shoemaker is a brand based in Chengdu, At present, there are two physical stores in Chengdu, and there are also online stores on Taobao. The UK haberdashery Arterton is carrying them to showcase to discerning customers in Europe. Main players


Louis子旭是最近朋友才介绍给我的认识的定制店主理人,来自台湾。虽然我很关注各家定制店,但香港和台湾的店家,因为体验没有这么方便(深圳的朋友另说),所以关注度明显要低一些。 但是现在不少港台的店家都会在这边开店和定制会,我们的交流和体验也变得愈发的频繁和顺畅,这对市场整体水准的提升,一定是有帮助的。 子旭于3月29日至30日,会在安福路上的Mattina店内,进行上海Trunk Show,对于很多在小红书上关注他的朋友,可以有机会进行一番现场的交流了。 赶在这个定制会前,我也抓住机会,对他进行了专访。 Post Views: 532

An Interview with French Bespoke Shoemaker William Efe-Laborde

William Efe-Laborde is an independent French bespoke shoemaker living in London. Even France has a very strong culture and community for bespoke crafts, William found this passion in England. We can regard him as self-taught because he doesn’t have any official job or apprentice in those prestigious houses, and this speaks a lot about his