谈西服定制,不谈面料,是绝对不可能的。但是我和大多数消费者一样,对于这么多料本,其实根本没有概念。也许主理人会告诉你你摸一摸感觉如何,或者自己看好不好看,这当然是最主观,最直接,最没有错的。 就和我们选鞋子一样,如果了解一些更深入的特性,是不是能够指导我们的选择。 Post Views: 2,111
Author: FU Pei
青毡是一家供应手工皮料的小店,创始人戚裔贇和我渊源颇深。我们的主业同属汽车行业,对皮具都爱好起步。而且他所在的公司,和我所在的公司,有特别深的合作,跨越了世纪和大洲,哈哈哈。 一起来看看他的故事。 Post Views: 2,620
很多人对我说过一个观点,鞋子,仅仅是一个大配件,在整个服装来说,也许比袖扣,胸花什么的要重要点,但都不应该孤立地看待。 我是非常认同的,虽然我最大的爱好是鞋子,但它的目的,的确是整体的搭配。 于是我就想着我这边卖的鞋子,是不是也应该有一些穿搭的参考呢?于是我就请Leo作为模特,拍摄了两个示范。 Post Views: 1,822
Fratelli Borgioli is an Italian shoe brand not many know, I came across a pair from Franco’s clothier in US. The shoes are well made, sturdy with great leather. It is a very unique Italian shoe brand. It is a great honor to talk with Urbano Borgioli, the chairman of this family business. Post Views:
如果说中国的定制鞋匠,谁是最有名的,答案一定是金子黄,沈阳的黄师傅。黄师傅有教过一些徒弟,可以说他们算是中国的科班出身。 今天的这位陈华,123Shoemaker,就是其中的一位。有非常古典的审美和精细的手工,也可以算是站在了定制鞋匠食物链的顶端。 一起来看看他的经历。 Post Views: 2,378
After being almost two year retailer of Carlos Santos in China, we finally got the opportunity to introduce the shoemaking industry saga, Mr. Carlos Santos. Post Views: 1,972
The first China Trunk Show will be held on June 26th to 27th in Le Royal Meriden Shanghai. Except the exciting Shoemaking Championship and Shoeshining Contest, what to expect? Post Views: 1,139
When we are talking about English shoes, many regard John Lobb, Edward Green and Gaziano & Girling as the default choice, which is not true as they are too expensive to most people. Even Crockett & Jones is not so mainstream as we thought. Post Views: 1,809
Sons of Henrey is highly praised in shoe aficionados because of its great leather, elegant and conservative lasts and excellent value for the money. I have purchased a pair of Archie, an austerity brogue oxford, let us find out how good they are. Post Views: 2,040
Shoe store, this is an interesting topic. In non-luxury shopping malls, the first floor is generally divided into three categories, cosmetics, jewelry and then shoes. From this perspective, shoes should be a very profitable category. However, dedicated stores of classic mens dress shoes are rare. Post Views: 1,987