Model Archive – Bridlen

India is not a major player in Goodyear welted shoes field, maybe because of the climate and limited demand there. Founded in 1986 by Mr. Hasan, the initial construction was cemented. Japanese chose this factory (country) for its cheaper labor cost and introduced Mackay construction (Blake), in recent years, Goodyear construction was absorbed. Post Views:


我自己有Dents的手套,但是当初买的时候,对于款式并没有那么多了解,选了一个合眼缘的。现在仔细去一看,每个款式还有自己的名字,这和我一直在总结的鞋子不是一样吗?特别好。于是,我想着也总结一下款式,方便后来者挑选。后来发现,款式实在太多太多了,根本总结不过来,那么就变成一篇导购吧。 Post Views: 1,973