A Spanish brand, although there is 1707 alongside the brand name, but the history is totally made up. Duke of Berwick was a Spanish general ruling Almansa, the capital of shoemaking in Spain. The brand claims it is based in Madrid, what is the point when only the headquarter is somewhere? Post Views: 4,584
Category: Dress Shoes
A dress shoe brand founded in 2012, New York. It is at the same price point with Beckett Simonon, but I feel Jack Erwin may have better value as it uses the leathers from D’Annonay and Ilcea, and made in Portugal. Post Views: 2,264
首先气质鲜明地表示,我对擦色兴趣一般。有擦色的祖宗Berluti的鞋子,有以为擦色就是一切的Altan Bottier的鞋子,有靠擦色上位的Carlos Santos的鞋子,我能欣赏擦色的美,但不是我个人的偏好。我觉得Museum Calf就很对我胃口了。 Post Views: 2,877
This is a MTM and MTO brand rather than Ready to Wear. Rozsnyai comes from Hungary just like its peer Vass. All shoes are 95% handmade except for upper stitching. And if you have the shoes on hand, you will know the craftsmanship is much better. Post Views: 2,029
Maybe the most hot Italian shoe brand in recently years due to the famous master shoemaker, Stefano Bemer. Sadly this brand now has very little relation with the deceased master. Brand position is lower than Silvano Lattazi and higher than Paolo Scafora, Santoni, a.testoni, Bontoni and Antonio Meccariello。 Post Views: 2,545
北安普顿1866年就成立的鞋厂,比Edward Green的1890年还要早很多。 1874年就引入了固特异缝制的机器。 Post Views: 2,889
France never lacks of dress shoe brands, no less than English counterparts at least. And each level not only stands along with English ones, but wins! Every French brand has its unique style. The top level is quite strict to dress the elegant, but the middle range is more robust and suitable for everyone, such
Shoe factory Scheggia Brothers was established in 1935, in the 60s, two brothers, Mario and Bruno purchased all the share then rebranded to Mario Bruni. In its long history, no significance was highlighted, but anyway, it survives. now it focuses on US market. Let us have review of its lineup. Post Views: 1,841
As the most known dress shoe brands in nowadays US, Allen Edmonds is no doubt the No. 1 choice for many men. My personal experience with AE is mostly satisfactory, leather is good quality, construction is decent. Post Views: 5,963
The shoe brand comes from Zaragoza, this is the first time I see a certain brand not from Alamansa or Mallorca, two shoemaking capitals in Spain. The factory was founded in 1960s, and remains there till today. Construction is Blake Rapid which is rare in Spain as most are Goodyear welted. Post Views: 1,940