There are many marketing tactics, most of them never tick me and even push me away from the brands, however, I can never reject one tactic which is heritage. In shoemaking, I think Tricker’s is second to none on heritage as it was founded in 1829, arguable the earliest one in England. It holds Royal
Category: Classic Menswear
This is a Japansese brand, Tomoe is not so familiar to end comsumers, however it is a giant in dress shoe industry in Japan because it is the official distributor of many European brands in Japan, a true pioneer founded in 1948. Post Views: 1,577
French brand Septieme Largeur draws a lot of attention and interest globally because its three selling points, great price, wood pegging on the waist and superb patina. Post Views: 1,826
这个名字起的特别大,但实际上我想聊一下对目前国际上做缝制鞋的几个国家的总结。 缝制鞋,最有名的工艺,当然是固特异,但布雷克也是标准的缝制,所以,并不在这个工艺细节上做区分。 我们按照名气和受关注度来排序吧。 Post Views: 2,728
The name tells this is a Italian brand by the first sight. Its peak is in 1980 to 1990s, focusing on Goodyear and Norwegian construction, however the downfall came too fast. Post Views: 1,375
The private label of the very famous English online shoeshop, Pediwear. Post Views: 5,318
在穿衣服这件事上,能够想到最好的评价,就是有自己的风格。在那之前,最好的道路,当然是模仿他人,或者,遵从一个类别的各种方针。 这是一个过程,大可不必对教条主义的人不屑。因为就和孔子说的人生阶段一样,到了50才能随心所欲而不逾矩。 Post Views: 1,727
For well known brands, such as John Lobb, Model Archive is a great place to find those unusual models and maybe buy it by request. For those only known by its name, the review can have a general feeling of its products. For the completely unknown, Model Archive will also introduce some background for it
这篇文,是昨天看了公众号深蓝色的领域推送的文章,有感而发。 那篇文章很短,但是观点比较多,我只针对里面说的大厂的水准说点自己的感受。 Post Views: 2,017