日本定制鞋匠,白滨结城(Yuki Shirahama)的工作室YUKI SHIRAHAMA BOTTIER在京都。 Post Views: 2,386
Category: Classic Menswear
The uncle of the founder of Septieme Largeur, Mathieu Preiss is Marcos Fernandez, the most respected veteran in shoemaking industry not only in France but the whole Europe. Marcos established many brands and each prospered. But he never stops and revolute himself again and again. I have to say this path has the best chance
An Italian brand for elite customers. Why elite? Because they sit in a remote area of Roma, waiting customers to come and chat, then buy some shoes. Roma this city is suitable for its elite positioning as some powerful political and business figures here, both local and international. Post Views: 1,783
我接触到不少喜欢经典男装的年轻人,比如还在读大学的。他们一方面喜欢这样的着装,一方面又不愿意太曲高和寡,在人群里显的太过招摇,而且,被误解为是从过去穿越回来的人。 Post Views: 2,028
裤脚的绞边,我家乡的方言是打褊。这个主要还是个人审美,但是知道一些通用的知识不会错。 裤子的下摆应遮盖鞋的一半至三分之二,并在前面裤线产生“折断”,这就是Break这个词的由来。Break这个词一开始就是指裤子面料在鞋子上堆积的地方,所以折断了裤线。 Post Views: 2,288
Entreprenuership is not very strong in Japan as most industries have been controlled by the giant enterprises, and innovation is not something Japanese very good at, so you cannot find too many new companies. Japan may be the biggest dress shoe market in the whole and so many European brands make a good living there,
如果你从来都只穿西服套装,那么这个问题肯定不太困扰你,但是如果你开始搭配单西和裤子,那么什么样的裤子比较正式,比较适合你的单西。什么裤子的材质更耐穿,什么设计是必要的,立刻变成无法回避的问题。 Post Views: 2,393
Dashing Tweeds是英国伦敦的一个面料商加上定制店。这个模式,可以看作是弱化版的Scabal(碰瓷)。这个定制店没有太过强调是MTM还是Bespoke,主要的考量点,还是他们自己设计出来的Tweed面料和有创意的款式。 有幸对创始人Guy Hills进行了专访。 Post Views: 1,992
挖掘每个款式背后的故事,是我觉得非常有意思的事情,因为它将一个物件变成了一种文化之旅。 但是这个过程,要么就是有太多众说纷纭的信息,要么就是几乎没有信息,所以也像是一个探案的过程。 当你了解一个物件背后的文化以后,对你自己的选择,也是很有帮助的。 Post Views: 4,380