The first China Trunk Show will be held on June 26th to 27th in Le Royal Meriden Shanghai. Except the exciting Shoemaking Championship and Shoeshining Contest, what to expect? Post Views: 1,128
Category: Classic Menswear
When we are talking about English shoes, many regard John Lobb, Edward Green and Gaziano & Girling as the default choice, which is not true as they are too expensive to most people. Even Crockett & Jones is not so mainstream as we thought. Post Views: 1,804
Sons of Henrey is highly praised in shoe aficionados because of its great leather, elegant and conservative lasts and excellent value for the money. I have purchased a pair of Archie, an austerity brogue oxford, let us find out how good they are. Post Views: 2,032
Shoe store, this is an interesting topic. In non-luxury shopping malls, the first floor is generally divided into three categories, cosmetics, jewelry and then shoes. From this perspective, shoes should be a very profitable category. However, dedicated stores of classic mens dress shoes are rare. Post Views: 1,980
Trunk Show这个词,很多人不太理解是什么意思,给它起的中文名,叫做路演。更本质,小型品牌展销会。 日期:2021年6月26日至27日。 地点:南京东路789号,Le Royal Meridien Shanghai Hotel (上海世茂皇家艾美酒店), 65楼“沪吧” Post Views: 1,574
在这一点上,是很多人对我的一个槽点,觉得我又当裁判又当运动员,不公正。 有好友建议,代理权拿着,但做个经销商,鞋子给别人卖好了,我觉得听起来也不错。 比如ENP就说,我是定制店,但我店里不卖鞋子,所以我拍鞋子的视频,就可以公正客观。的确是这么个理。 我怎么想呢? Post Views: 1,530
这个活动,有两个服务主体,也是我一直以来的理念,一头是爱好者,或者需要/喜欢穿皮鞋的人,另一头,品牌方。 自然,现场一定要让来的朋友有实惠。除了免费酒水茶点,重头戏当然是抽奖,大额代金券,Maftei皮带,顶尖男士配饰。其次,每个品牌也得给我出点血(卖我一点薄面),给来现场的朋友一些优惠。 Post Views: 2,516
喜欢某个领域的人,对这个领域精神食量的需求,比物质的还要高。 我一直以来对大家的期望也都是,物质上不要欲壑难填,精神上可以追求无限。 因为物质上如果太过,就会造成资源的浪费,而人的脑袋,是可以翱翔无尽的天空。 我平常会关注不少国外的博主,包括up主,这篇说说我在国内会看哪些。 Post Views: 1,584
Mattina is the most successful quality dress shoe brand in China, which emerged from one and half year ago. Vibram is the king of rubber sole around the world. It is a pleasure to be invited to Vibram China facility to witness this strategic cooperation ceremony. Post Views: 2,145
这是我对国产皮鞋最火大的一点,不是个例,如果要点名的话,几乎大部分大家熟悉的,都要被我喷,包括Mattina,时另,固伦,今制! 因为我接触这个类别的产品,是从国外的鞋子开始的,基本没有走什么弯路,有极个别翻车,但以百分比来说,已经很好了! Post Views: 2,991