Perhaps southerners and northerners will have diametrically opposed answers to this question. For northerners, who wears Loafers in winter must be a warrior. But for southerners, isn’t Loafer still a pair of dress shoes? As long as I don’t wear it barefoot, is there an essential difference between wearing Loafers in winter and wearing Oxford?
Tag: Autumn
9月份就要到了,沉寂已久的正常尺度西服爱好者们,可以破土而出了。重度的我们就不说了,37,38度一样西服,领带,甚至三件套的,我只能说佩服佩服。 现在下定做起,快的,大约也要到10月份才能做好了,慢的,可能是明年秋冬穿的,所以,一起来看看秋冬有什么值得搞的料子。 Post Views: 2,008