Many people pay attention to me because I have introduced a lot of technical knowledge about dress shoes. Later, I thought aesthetics is very important, because after all, dressing handsome is more important than purely handsome shoes on the shelf. Life is inherently fluid, and I can convey my own ideas, which is the pillar
Tag: Handmade
木钉首先是一种连接方式。木钉连接的鞋子,不能算缝制鞋,所以我们我们分类,可以说缝制鞋,木钉鞋和胶粘鞋。 不是所有缝制鞋都是手工鞋,甚至最高连接工艺,手缝沿条的,也很可能不是手工鞋,但是在今天,所有的木钉鞋,一定是手工鞋。 Post Views: 1,031
Rozsnyai is a Hungarian brand based in Budapest and focus mainly on MTO. MTM is also offered with a small surcharge. When we talk about Hungarian shoes, Vass is the first into mind. However that Vass gains global reputation largely owes to U and F last developed by Italian master shoemaker Roberto Ugolini. Rozsnyai still