一双胶粘皮鞋的价格,200-300,应该是非常合理的价位,当然也有ECCO这样3000的。缝制鞋的价格,3000左右,也被认为是比较合理的,不包含太多的品牌附加值在里面,同时使用好的原材料。 缝制鞋相比于胶粘鞋,原本,是有非常实际的功能优势的,那就是耐久性。鞋底使用缝制的方式,可以在鞋底磨损严重情况下,割断缝线,换上新的底再缝上。胶粘鞋的鞋底如果磨损严重,你把它撕下来,上面相连的地方就完全残破不堪了。不谈很多运动鞋的一体成型,就更加不用谈换底了。 Post Views: 1,218
Tag: Heel
Dress shoes, on one hand are regarded very boring as the patterns had been invented for so many years, for laymen, they even look all the same, maybe only the difference of with lace or without; on the other hand, numerous shoemakers are still keeping innovating and designing amazing patterns. If we only look at