答案确实是不能。 我以前对于这一点是不太在意的,因为皮革怕不怕水?答案是并不怕。 水打湿了皮革,在挥发的时候,会带走皮革中的油脂,使得皮革纤维变得更短,更脆,所以皮革容易开裂。 为了应对这个问题,只要等皮革阴干以后,涂上护理油,就好了。 但是当我最近在整理鞋子的时候,看到这一双鞋底的状态,让我突然警醒。 Post Views: 272
Tag: Leather Sole
Which place is easiest to wear on a pair of dress shoes? If the answer is heel, it suggests that your shoes are probably with rubber soles. Real gentlemen still don dress shoes with leather sole. If you wear several pairs of leather shoes with leather soles, you know that the toe is easiest to
I feel it is funny that a lot of efforts are put on the sole. Not matter it is an outsider or an enthusiast, if you are a little detached, you will have the same feeling with me. Why is it funny? Because no matter how exquisite and artful off the factory or workshop, after