这双鞋的生产日期,应该是二十世纪80年代末,疑是Loake代工,有了这个信息,就会对它不报太大的希望,然而,质量可能比Edward Green还好! Post Views: 194
Tag: Loake
As a well-rooted shoe brand in London with a long history, it’s really embarrassing that its reputation is so dim. I can draw a conclusion that if you choose to go down, then your ending can be predicted when you take the first step. If you choose to go up, in the short term, your
这个品牌大约和Barker一样,算是英国正装皮鞋品牌里,最入门级的。 Loake的工厂,坐落于北安普顿东面的Kettering镇上,这是一个老的工业区。 每周,这个工厂都能生产4000双固特异缝制的皮鞋,是英国最大的缝制鞋厂之一。 Post Views: 2,648
How many entry level shoe brands are there in England? Not too easy to answer, but the most famous two are quite clear: Barker and Loake. Post Views: 3,366