Saint Crepin is the annual limited collection of John Lobb Paris to memorize the god of shoemaking. This limited collection is built on Prestige collection, I mean the basic construction and details are the same while Saint Crepin implements even more advanced techniques to show off its mastery in shoemaking. Post Views: 2,583
Tag: Saint Crepin
从1996年起,John Lobb每年都会推出一款Presitge线的鞋,代表自己对某一个款式的最高超技艺的表达,这个系列就是Saint Crepin,作为限量版,除了数量稀少外,还像在John Lobb款式知多少里面提到的,这些款式,就算你后面愿意加钱定制,John Lobb也不可能给你做。当然,如果你是Bespoke,那就无所谓款式不款式了。 Post Views: 3,131