Are you willing to grow with the brand? If at the beginning of the brand, the product makes you dissatisfied, will you disgust the brand for your whole life? As a consumer, I don’t want to, because I hope the product is perfect, even if I am given a discount and let me be an
Tag: tailor
Sam Hu,老四,又一个在海外学艺的中国裁缝。 他们可以被认为是先锋,因为正是有他们的前行,让将来更多的中国人想到国外学艺有更成熟的路线,他们不管将来回不回国,都会和国内有更多的交流,让我们的服装水平快速与国际接轨。 一起了解他的故事。 Post Views: 609