如果说穿一双固特异鞋是高端的表现,那么带上French Toe Plate(法式头铁,和法式舌吻一样魅惑),就肯定是人中赤兔,马中吕布了。 美国博客Stitchdown有过一篇文章讲过程的,看这里: Shoe Toe Taps: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know – Stitchdown 然而我今天的步骤,比它还要多几个,一探究竟。 Post Views: 224
Tag: Toe Plate
大约3年前,介绍了平价铁王,就是市面上最实惠的,鞋头打铁服务,强尼制靴。 当时市场上很多价格都要接近300,但是他家100,活动价只要80,的确是便宜大碗,我也使用了好几次他家的服务。 然后就没怎么关注了,最近在群里听说,现在价格也超过200,说打铁都打不起了,我悄咪咪没作声,因为新生代的平价铁王就在他们身边,他们不知道而已。 那个铁王就是我,付沛。 Post Views: 567
这是我在看我一双John Lobb的鞋的时候,突然想到的一个问题。那个问题是,真的可以做到不隔断线吗? 我知道这句话和很多人原本的想法是相冲突的。鞋头装铁片,如果割断了线,那就是功夫不到家,甚至我要找服务商索赔了。 但是我这个观点,是针对John Lobb的鞋子的,或者针对这么一个特征。 Post Views: 1,006
Which place is easiest to wear on a pair of dress shoes? If the answer is heel, it suggests that your shoes are probably with rubber soles. Real gentlemen still don dress shoes with leather sole. If you wear several pairs of leather shoes with leather soles, you know that the toe is easiest to
Toe of leather soles is the easiest place to wear, basically as soon as you start wearing them, they wear quickly. But grinding to a certain angle, it will come to a platform, later the wear will not be so severe. The degree of tilt of this wear platform varies to different people. Deep tilt