乐福是谁发明的?很多人不知道,一些以为自己知道的,可能会说Alden。但是Alden只是发明了流苏乐福,不是乐福。另外更加专业的,会回答Aurland,挪威品牌,嗯,说到这个,还是有点家伙的。 但是被公认的,主流乐福的发明人(品牌),就是来自英国的Wildsmith。一定很多人没听过。没听过就对了,这不就是我科普的机会了吗? Post Views: 559
Tag: Wildsmith
Herring is basically the cheapest welted shoe brand in the UK, however it is not low at all, because it is a select shoe shop with private label made by shoe factories in Northampton. Post Views: 3,184
Wildsmith was a very famous bespoke shoemaker in London which designed the first loafer for King Edward VII, but fell down very quickly. After many years sink, the owner of Cad & The Dandy purchased the brand and revived Ready To Wear collection and entrusted Alfred Sargent to make the shoes. The endeavor was not
其实这些文章,深度是不太有的,但是信息还可以。 上次聊过Herring和Alfred Sargent的故事,还给出了Alfred Sargent给Herring代工的鞋子的对比。 Post Views: 2,503