Dress ShoesDetails 5 comments 看图猜鞋子 我们总得搞点有趣的事情对吧,很简单,一双鞋,不露logo,只给细节,猜品牌,来吧。 不做任何解读,以免有引导性。 鞋面设计 楦型 鞋面车线 鞋底 沿条缝线 请大家畅所欲言!希望有人能够猜出正确答案!就算猜不出牌子,也可以说说哪些方面让你惊艳,哪些又觉得水准不高的。 Related posts:Model Archive - Caulaincourtfp x Weritas的匠人们How to interpret the serial number on lining of Alden shoes? Post Views: 1,856
The answer is Chinese shoes, and the price is around 100 USD. I have to admit the price is jaw dropping.
款式看起來是Edward Green的標誌款,但鞋底不對。而且如果真是EG也未免太容易了。看延條壓紋我猜 J.FitzPatrick。不過應該還是錯的,鞋內款式的寫法應該不是照片這樣的。哈哈哈
現在改口Sons of Henrey可以嗎,哈哈哈
All I can tell is that they are English shoes
The answer is Chinese shoes, and the price is around 100 USD. I have to admit the price is jaw dropping.