Unboxing Penny Loafer Haydn from Maftei

Loafers have dominated the world for its convenience and maybe informality which matches the casual trend in clothing. Except for the formal business occasions requiring oxford, you see loafers everywhere. However, in Austria or middle Europe, loafers are not as popular as the rest of the world, it seems they still prefer derbies. In a grand archive of Maftei shoes, loafers are not too many. This pair is named Haydn to mesmerize Austrian musician Franz Joseph Haydn. In this unboxing you will see the reason.


Wooden shoe box with copper buckles.

Grey suede shoe bags, the only one in the market.


A very apparent pair of Maftei shoes as the last gives the feeling of Austrian shoemaking. Not very elegant or tender, somehow rough and I will use the word confident to describe this last.


Baby blue suede penny loafer.

Two design elements to be noticed, 1) tongue is very long and extruded to cover foot instep for one thing and beam lovely feeling for another, 2) vacancy on the strap is a very small oval which is also very cute.

All these elements match the music composed by Joseph Haydn for its brisk happiness.

Construction and Outsole

Wood pegged construction is not very admired outside of Austria, however the beauty wood pegs form is well appreciated. The waist is very round and classic London waist.

Front end of heel has a wave which is also a signature of Maftei.


Super bright colour lining is what Mr. Maftei is very fond of and I have no idea why!


Haydn’s music is peaceful and optimistic, this pair of Haydn too.