50% off Resole Service by Wentao!

What is resole? It’s the ultimate meaning of Goodyear or handwelted shoes!

The saying that welted shoes last forever, lifelong companionship, reverse contempt (wearing old despises wearing new) all come from this.

When the soles are worn out, the upper leather of fine shoes is still in extremely good condition, and the shoes are also extremely suitable.

So as long as the sole is replaced, this pair of comfortable shoes that meets your aesthetics can fight for another 10 years.

What’s the difference between Wentao service and others?

First of all, Wentao is the leading person in China who provides resole service. Ask the people who have enjoyed his service whether they agree with this statement.


Let’s talk about the official resole service.

There are not many brands that provide official resole. Its advantage is that it is supported by the original shoe last, which prevents deformation during the resole process. Then the stitch density is the same as the original.

Remember, the official resole is done by machine, unless it is a bespoke shoemaker.

Wentao resole is handstitching. Your Edward Green going through Wentao’s service is an upgrade from machine sewed to handstitched.

I asked what is the point of handstitching. Because only in this way can it be guaranteed the stitches go into original holes on welt!

I have visited Wentao’s workshop in Guangzhou (now he is in Shanghai). He is indeed very meticulous. I think this is the reason why his price is high, but he is still chosen by most people.

Now, Wentao and I have teamed up to offer resole service with Gerberei Martin leather sole which stays in the oak bark tanning pit for 24 month.

The most well-known German JR outsole has a tanning time of 9 months, and the quality has been seriously reduced. It is said that for a period of time after it was sold to the Polish leather factory, the management was chaotic, and it could not be bought in China.

Then there is J.F. Baker from the United Kingdom, the one I once worshipped. 12 months of oak tanning, Edward Green’s choice.

Only when I met Gerberei Martin, 24 months of oak plant tanning, the choice of the top bespoke shoemakers in continental Europe.

Wentao resole with JR outsole costs 1,300 yuan, and Gerberei Martin resole is 1,500 yuan.

Then I really bring benefits to my readers, 50% off! 750 yuan.

750 yuan, Wentao’s meticulous work, handstitched, plus German Gerberei Martin 24-month oak tanned leather outsole, if your shoes need a resole, I don’t believe there is a better choice in the world.