Three Goodyear Collections of Carlos Santos

Carlos Santos has gained respect all over the world for its quality and patina of which the latter is highly praised. Actually, its lasts are also well developed but not so iconic till now. Carlos Santos went up the ladder by introducing two collections, Handgrade and Handcrafted.

Below is a pair of Oxford from Handcrafted collection.

Compared to Handgrade, the biggest difference is the sole. It is the most standard fiddleback waist that is hand-finished, and the waist is very narrow.

In terms of quality and craftsmanship, Handcrafted collection can be compared to Crockett & Jones’ Handgrade, but since it is Carlos Santos, patina can never be left out.

Another pair from Handcrafted collection.

The waist is really beautiful.

6 Replies to “Three Goodyear Collections of Carlos Santos”

  1. 以前买过CS的一双防Galway的field boot以及一个monk,擦色不错,但是皮质真差,楦也有点肥。看到别人说他家手工系列不错,想试试呢,不知道皮质会不会好点。

    1. 他家的楦,在欧洲来说,真的算是宽脚友好的了。我自己的因为还没穿,所以无法评价皮质。穿了以后再来发个测评。

      1. 感觉都在玩鞋底。Santos的普线就是些成年牛皮,粗糙,折痕难看,久而丑。HandGrade感觉就是鞋底藏线。倒是想试试HandCrafted,想着既然花这么多时间做鞋底,鞋身皮质总要用好点的小牛皮吧。

        1. 我觉得从你的经验来说,可能这家的皮,就只有这个水平了。其实也好理解,Berluti的皮就完全没有JL的好,一个以擦色为主导的厂商,本来就不会花大价钱在皮革上,只要着色效果好就行了。另外你提到的CJ的两条线,厂家自己是宣传的皮革不一样,不管是国外的评价,还是国内的体验,没有可见的差异。我自己的JL,C和P,包括SC,都没有明显差异。

          1. CJ的普线和handgrade皮质差异很大的,主要是密度,还有内衬,至于鞋底藏线这个我不是很在乎,这个是我切身体会。刚刚入了双Santos的handcrafted,一种红黑擦色,等收到看看皮质如何,不行就放闲鱼吧

            1. 大多数品牌分级都喜欢用鞋底,因为鞋底好看,或者费工时,是很明确。皮革,首先必须穿段时间才好评价,其次,还要是毕竟懂的人。这两点,就让宣传变得有点困难,口说无凭。没穿过的鞋子让我评价皮革,我不会。

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