Although the tie is not easy to get dirty, it is frequently used, so the chance of getting dirty is not small. Let’s see how to clean it. The cleaning of silk is not easy, because this material is more delicate than wool, so it is divided into three levels. Post Views: 2,969
Category: Care
You must think that this is a very detailed and comprehensive shopping guide, and the answer is no. Because my answer is particularly concise, lasted and cheap. Just two words. I think it’s very worthwhile if you find a shoe tree meeting both. Post Views: 922
What is resole? It’s the ultimate meaning of Goodyear or handwelted shoes! The saying that welted shoes last forever, lifelong companionship, reverse contempt (wearing old despises wearing new) all come from this. When the soles are worn out, the upper leather of fine shoes is still in extremely good condition, and the shoes are also
My leather shoes always have scratches on the inside of the heel, and I don’t know exactly where these scratches came from. I know the scratches are not deep, but the discolor is obvious, so I definitely need to deal with it. If it is calf leather, I usually use a shoe cream to cover
Last is the mold where leather forms on it and shape into shoes. Every well received shoemaker has its iconic lasts, as I always say, last is the soul of shoes. Post Views: 2,786
Arterton is a UK brand focusing on Garment bag and dismantlable umbrella, both are not so much discussed even in the most enthusiastic communities. When every classic menswear connoisseur agrees that the devil is in the details, these pieces definitely should not be left behind. And we thank William, the founder to fill the
反绒皮相比于光面皮,有一个很大的优势,奢华感。想来还是因为相对来说,光面皮的历史成千上万年,而反绒皮的出现,要晚的多,所以市面上见到的,也要少的多。 Post Views: 2,740
蒸汽熨斗可以除皱,很多人都说这个比传统的铁熨斗很好。但是这个东西是不是真的更好,还有争论。 很多定制裁缝对蒸汽熨斗并不感冒,我们也可以看到那些老店里,都还是最古老的铁熨斗。 因为对于高品质的服装,比如全麻衬的西服,它的形状,是通过大量精心的手工熨烫而成。 Post Views: 2,246
好面料定制的衣服,可以穿很久,但是这仍然要求我们好好的护理。 衬衣是相对简单的,因为高品质的衬衣都是由高密度100%棉制成。所以完全可以机洗。而且新的衬衣,洗过几次以后会更合身。 Post Views: 1,810
首先纯棉的衬衣,可以用洗衣机洗,而且也应该用洗衣机洗。 很人多都觉得,好衣服就是要干洗,衬衣也是。但其实上,在家洗衬衣就足够感觉,而且对衣服长期来说,更不容易损坏。 Post Views: 1,699