其实这是一篇软文,很硬很硬的软文。 上次有发鞋徒专访,和抗造的老板,李尚嵩是朋友,他在朋友圈里,总是会发一些他们的鞋子。他的鞋子,都是工装的,对我吸引力并不大,可每次的原创性,确实让我眼前一亮。 Post Views: 4,233
Category: Dress Shoes
A fairly new brand from Chengdu China. Most Chinese shoemakers are based in Shanghai and Guangzhou, even Beijing has some, but in the West China, SLIMSHOES is the one which cannot be neglected. The selling point is fully handcrafted, handwelted and handstiched outsole, and the price is only 400 USD. for one level up, 650
The doubtless market share king in China classic dress shoe industry. When it reached the top in men’s shoes, lady shoes were released, even a sub brand for suits are becoming a significant player. Post Views: 4,206
偶遇这个品牌的鞋子,北安普顿生产,引起了我的兴趣。 了解了一下这个品牌,Mark McNairy是一个美国设计师。 单干以前,是J. Press的创意总监。这个牌子后面也会聊一聊,因为常青藤风格最具代表的品牌,就是这家。虽然现在也越来越式微。 Post Views: 2,164
A Italian shoe factory with long history since 1934. Every construction is viable, Blake, Goodyear, Blake Rapid and Norwegese. It is now in the hand of the third generation. There are way too many shoe brands in Italy, even they are good and unique, it is just impossible to be known around the world. Let
The logo says 1794, if that is true, this brand would be the oldest shoemaker in England! I cannot find any information about this old brand, and the current one was owned by a famous Northampton shoemaker, and sold to the current owner who built its own factory in India to produce. Price is 180
日本人的崇洋媚外,我不想扯得太大,比如尊崇强者,比如什么宗主国,只说在服装领域,他们对于美国,英国和法国的产品,都是非常认可,非常认可的意思是,非常愿意花钱,比全世界任何地方的人都多花钱。 Post Views: 3,024
Because I occasionally obtained one pair of this brand, and the design is very good, I am interested so to summarize its models. Founded in 1946 in Vinci, a small town outside Florence of Toscana region by brother René and Valerio Borgioli. Post Views: 1,684
A fairly new Italian brand founded in 2014, and the business mode is quite contemporary, design by the company and manufactured by a certain (undisclosed) factory. Post Views: 2,790
In England, most shoemakers have more than 100 years histroy, maybe Gaziano & Girling is an exception, but in 2020, Newman & Regent came off. The factory is not new at all and has been making private labels for years, it saw the fever of classic dress shoes in recent year, so released its own