This brand is somehow alike and unlike the aforementioned Skolyx. They both come from Sweden, both are boutique focusing mainly on shoes, but this store is much more famous and renowned, Skoaktiebolaget。 Post Views: 4,466
Category: Classic Menswear
人字纹的英文是Herringbone。 这个名字的由来,是因为看起来像鲱鱼的鱼刺。但是这种说法我总觉得牵强附会,大多数鱼的鱼骨形状不都是如此嘛? 实际上,这个纹路的根源是远古的建筑。 Post Views: 4,399
作为喜欢经典男装的人,即使再控制自己,衣服还是会越来越多,那么怎么摆放,才能又保证衣服不皱,每次要挑选的时候都比较容易呢? 有个答案很简单,但也非常伤人,你需要很多空间,一间衣帽间也许不够,两间可能差不多。 好了,除了这个以外,说点细节吧。 Post Views: 3,601
对于经典男装爱好者来说,黑西装是需要的,但也是会选择穿次数最少的,而在所有人看到的西服里面,黑色又是最多的。 正是这个泛滥的黑色,让很多人觉得穿西服的都是中介。 今天就说一说,黑色西服什么是合适的,什么时候不合适。 可以分成三大类,正式庄重,高街时尚和被误导了。 Post Views: 2,236
我自己写过两次好皮坏皮连连看,见过一次日本博主玩地更高端的,就是看布洛克孔的质量。这次我也玩个高端的,就来看看不同鞋子固特异沿条上缝线给人的感官如何。 Post Views: 2,113
Madras is the ancient name of Indian city Chennai, with this hint, do you know where this brand is from? I am sorry, the answer will not be in your mind, it is Japan. The company was founded in 1946, Venice. What? There is a city in Japan called Venice? No, it is the Venice,
Its shoes are reported to be manufactured in Italy, but from my purchasing experience, at least Carlos Santos made shoes for it before. The only thing it focuses is patina. Post Views: 1,615
A good Italian shoe brand, but its focus is largely different with its peers. When almost every Italian brands target the US, Walles aims to Japan. And the result is very satisfactory. Post Views: 2,514
上次写了一篇玩累了的孩子款式知多少的文章,结果被我读者喷死,问我为什么推这个牌子。 我,真的没有推。我当时写的觉得做好的方面,现在拿回来看,也没什么毛病。 Post Views: 2,090