My Shoe Collection – Monterey from Hanover Imperial Collection

I introduced a pair of Hanover Longwing here. It is said that the MasterFlex line is a less advanced line. But from the shoes, I can see that there is really nothing to be picky about except the bookbinder leather. The comfort is great, and the double leather sole is durable. This time, I introduce

当今最好的罗马裁缝Gaetano Aloisio

这是一个相当复杂的店、品牌、人。 如果论及个人裁缝的实力,Gaetano Aloisio是公认当今世界前五(如果不是第一人的话)。 虽然我很早就了解到这位大师,但是最近与张春海老师(Hiiwen & Liiyuan定制联合创始人)的晚餐中,他提到他在罗马参加意大利裁缝协会金剪刀大赛期间(他获得二等奖),对协会主席Gaetano的了解,就是他心目中最好裁缝的存在。 Post Views: 197


中国男士皮鞋,超过千元价位的,什么品牌是销量最高的?答案是ECCO。不管是线上,还是线下。 我刚上班时,买过红蜻蜓,然后海淘,买过其乐、Rockport,那个时候,ECCO是心中的白月光。 快进到接触到经典男鞋,一入侯门深似海,再也没有回头看过那些鞋子,但是在逛商场时,还是走进过ECOO的店铺,只有一个字,丑。 Post Views: 230

Side laced

非常高兴,我是全世界互联网上第一个写这个皮鞋款式的人。 这可以算是皮鞋款式里最高端的存在,到今天为止,提供这个款式成鞋的,应该不超过5个品牌。 顾名思义,Side laced就是在侧面系鞋带。 我实在不明白,为什么会有人这么剑走偏锋。 Side laced是英国传奇定制鞋匠Foster & Son为演员Laurence Olivier在20世纪40年代设计的款式。很遗憾,Laurence穿着这个鞋款的照片并未保留下来,原版的鞋子,在互联网上也不见图片。 Post Views: 149

Unboxing Seamless Side Laced Leopold from Maftei

An extremely artful pair of shoes, which can only be found in bespoke shoemaking. For this model, I think all the packaging is not important anymore, let us check the shoes directly. Leopold I, (born June 9, 1640, Vienna—died May 5, 1705, Vienna), Holy Roman emperor during whose lengthy reign (1658–1705) Austria emerged from a series of struggles with

My Shoe Collection – Carmina 910 in Horween Shell Cordovan

This is my third pair of 910, yes, it’s so funny, and it’s also the second pair of Horween shell cordovan on the same model. This pair of shoes has a great significance, that is, I have completely determined what shell cordovan is suitable for. Its application scope is really not too wide, and Alden’s