在这个中西大碰撞,既是列强与我们国家的军事碰撞,也是文化的强烈冲击,让民国的服装,在我眼里,是最为璀璨的。 Post Views: 2,057
Category: Classic Menswear
If I ask you to tell which country this brand comes from, what is the answer? The founder is Javier Navalón, I think that is a great hint, the answer is Spain. The region is La Mancha which is not as famous as Almansa or Mallorca. Javier claims his family worked in shoe industry since
A brand without any introduction, no idea about its country, only made in Spain. Price at 500 USD, patina, fiddleback outsole and Goodyear construction. I am always cautious even suspicious about this kind of brand, and do not believe they will survive long. Post Views: 1,226
This bespoke shoemaker is very new, even strange to many shoe aficionados. He comes from Singapore and runs a leather goods store now. The name of his shop/brand is Fumu. To be very honest, that is all I know about him, so we just let him to tell us more. Post Views: 2,992
这双与其说是开箱,不如说是看看Maftei MTO的款式命名和楦型选择。 话不多说,先看这双鞋子。 Post Views: 2,159
中国传统服饰的配饰,真要论起来,种类上绝对不会少于西装上现在配的领带,袖口,口袋巾,Lapel pin,皮带,但如果要说王者,那只有一个东西,就是玉。 Post Views: 1,219
I know this brand a long time again from blog ShoeSnob, but I did not want to talk about is as it was cemented. Although it moved to welted shoes, the design is still too high street fashion and its style never holds from traditional English to patina oriented. Post Views: 1,399
If SuitSupply is the revolutionary leader in suits market, Spier & Mackay based in Canada is undoubtedly the second in the world. Selling point is also great value. Model Archive series talk about shoes, so we just put their suits away. As SuitSupply chooses Antonio Maurizi in Italy to make the private label, Spier &
Finally we have a classic shoe brands coming from Africa! Sorry, it is half true. the brand is Belgian, and only the production is in Casablanca. Leather is sourced from Europe. Post Views: 1,454
A brand only known in France which I only read from Sheogazing. I feel like talking about French shoe brands, the veteran Marcos Fernandez can never be bypassed who established a lot of brands. Markowicz was one of the brands and bred Septieme Larguer owned by his nephew Mathieu Preiss. Prince Jorge is just Markowicz