I’m not sure whether this is a kind of sadness or not. When I introduced Maftei signature style, I said that if this style is copied by many people one day, I won’t be embarrassed. I just hope people will remember that Maftei made this style well-known. Post Views: 2,461
Tag: Antonio Meccariello
This pair of suede Chukka boots became my rain boots for unknown reason. When I went to Europe on business, I only wore a pair of shoes and walked in the streets in a rainstorm which is why I relied on it. When I looked at it carefully today, I found that these shoes are
I think Antonio Meccariello is one of the three Italian brands most worth buying. It is worth buying for two reasons, first, it offers great value. Antonio Meccariello’s Goodyear line costs less than 700 USD with so many features you should see on bespoke shoes. The second reason is that the last shape is very
Argentum means silver in Italian, and the top offering of Antonio Meccariello is called Aurum, gold in Italian. Most people buy Argentum collection to have a taste of Antonio Meccariello shoes. Let us check this pair. Post Views: 953
I have known this Italian brand for a long time but I was too poor to afford it. My primary feeling for Antonio Meccariello is “price killer”. What? Such an expensive price killer? What about Meermin? Well, the more proper description should be bespoke craftsmanship for Ready to Wear price. Hong Kong shoe giant, Shirting
This pair is from Medallion Collection, which is the cooperation between Antonio Meccariello and Chinese shoe boutique Medallion. Antonio Meccariello is highly praised by shoe aficionados around the world for its great value. Let us have a look at this pair. Post Views: 843
Antonio Meccariello is the newly established Italian shoe brand which has great reputation in Asia, especially in Hong Kong and China Mainland. It is not so common that Italian brands have biggest customer base in Asia rather than US. Post Views: 3,319