Lottusse is a shoe factory in Spain with great heritage, the year 1877 under the trademark is not false. In the 90s, Yanko was the super master of Spanish shoemaking, and now Carmina and Meermin under the Pujas family are in full swing. TLB Mallorca is also unstoppable. With some many competitors and newcomers, Lottusse
Tag: Blucher
德比鞋的产生,没有公认的答案。有人说源头是12世纪的德比伯爵。也有人说是14世纪的德比伯爵的脚很大,穿不进去靴子,于是他的鞋匠帮他设计了一个可以让开口变大的鞋子。Derby用来形容鞋子,第一次是出现在1862年Dunkely的书里,但是是用来形容靴子,而不是鞋。到了1872年,Saint Crispin杂志详细定义了德比的概念。 Post Views: 2,792