Bentivegna construction, I think even dress shoes enthusiasts know very little. Post Views: 2,397
Tag: Construction
这是我在淘宝鞋店里被问到的问题。 虽然皮鞋生意有了团队和不同的分工,但是客服,我一直不愿意交给别人做。因为我特别喜欢和同好交流的感觉,可以增加视野。同时在销售的一线,也比较能获得一手信息。 这是一个技术问题,虽然我不是做鞋的,但在不同的工坊和工厂,也看过很多次制作流程了,还是了解那些工序会用到胶水的。 Post Views: 550
Goodyear welted shoes normally use vegetable tanned leather as the insole. The benefit is that the forefoot has better air permeability, which is the embodiment of the hygroscopicity of vegetable tanned leather. What’s the downside? Vegetable tanned leather is relatively hard, especially true for new shoes, so many people who are new to Goodyear welted
Various sewing processes, I have already introduced various constructions used in classic dress shoes. Goodyear welted and Blake stitched are the two staples, and other constructions can be regarded as extension from them, including Storm welted, Blake Rapid, Bolognese and Norwegese. Today I am not going to compare Goodyear and Blake, but to talk about
Warning: this article is for most determined enthusiasts, anyone else may find it boring. There are stitches on the midsole, what does it mean? 99% of the time, the construction is Blake, Bolognese or Blake Rapid. Post Views: 1,719
Only the most demanding shoe enthusiasts will be interested in this article, Alert. I don’t believe many know that dress shoes have lining, they think this shoe is made of leather, by leather they mean the upper. What is lining? where is lining? what is the function of lining? Very few cares. Lining could give